Thursday, January 20, 2011

New News!

Well, since recovery I've had a lot going on. *something* has happened to my right leg. It starts about where my interstim incision is and goes straight down to my ankle, kind of like that annoying feeling when your stim isn't programmed just right, only more painful and down the opposite leg from the interstim....hmm... strange?

I've seen a neurologist and was diagnosed with
*fibromyalgia, taking Savella for it and having great results.
*my thyroid doesn't function, on synthroid for it, seems to be helping.
*my body doesn't produce vitamin B, so right now I am getting B-12 shots once a month.

the first week in February my thyroid will be checked again and my vitamin B and we will adjust my medicine to the results.

I had my B-12 shot on Jan. 5 and for about the past week or so I have been cooking and craving raw egg yolks....well, really runny egg yolks.... I have googled my heart out and all I can find is that it gives your body i guess the shot has left my body and my body is craving things that will give it B-12?

My neurologist can't pinpoint the problem in my leg, he said it is too deep/complicated and I need to see someone in Neurosurgery.

I think it may be caused from my interstim, have heard of that happening a lot. I am currently waiting on a phone call from Ocshner Neurosurgery in hopes that they are willing to take my case and work with my urologist there ...since there is no relief in sight at the moment. :/