I found a doctor at Ochsner's in New Orleans, his name is Doctor Woo, I saw him on September 24 and he did some x rays, told me that out of my 4 leads, that ONE is in the right place but he wasn't getting a real good response when he adjusted it. New Orleans is so far to drive that it put me in a flare, well, since then, my interstim hasn't worked, I felt it the first day or so, but now all I fell when I turn it up is a pain in my foot and it curls up and I can't move it.
He doesn't want me to have to drive back to NOLA because of what it does to my bladder, and he really doesn't want to have to do surgery that far away from my home.
He referred me to a couple of Doctors in Hattiesburg, which is only about 30 minutes from my house, but none of them would see me, not sure why...
but now I'm just searching hard for a doctor to help me...
Doctor Woo is amazing, it's just so hard to get to him, especially when it's like once a week...if you are near him, he should be your doctor :)
At the moment I'm in retention and having to self cath, and by the looks of it, there is more blood in my bladder than there is urine.
I am also patiently awaiting a phone call from an office in Jackson, 2 hours away, they are doing and interstim surgery on Friday and said I may can get in and have a consultation with the Doctor and the Medtronic Rep about getting my leads moved, hopefully this will work out, its been a little rough lately with the pain and such.
oh by the way, the FDA does NOT approve of the INTERSTIM for INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS! nor for overactive bladder, therefore they are not obligated to help you locate a doctor, at least thats what I got when I called, so if you do not have numerous doctors in your area that deal with the interstim and ARE willing to see you even if they DIDN'T do the surgery, I would think LONG AND HARD about getting it done, because $46,000 is a lot to spend on something that may mess up and no one to fix it.
This brings me to the month of October, Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Month, I have so much to say on that, but don't feel like sitting here typing it, I will try and keep updated on how this is going and not make my posts so few and far between.
If anyone has had their leads moved, I am curious as to the recovery time and restrictions for that surgery.
Happy IC Awareness month, tell someone about it! :)